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c a i m :

(n.) lit. "sanctuary";

an invisible circle of protection,

drawn around the body with the hand.


return to each other

in waves.

this is how water


-nayyirah waheed

caim is a series of movement films, collaborating with women from different cultural backgrounds, allowing them to create a space to share and explore their unique female memory.


The movement you're witnessing is completely improvised, at that very moment, by the performers.

Performers: Lucia Xu, Carly Bayer, Bashé-Antoinette Jackson & Cemre Su Salur


Art and Movement Direction by Cemre Su Salur


One-Take Short Videos //

Cinematography by Nicole Sheers

Editing by Cemre Su Salur


Long Short Video caim // 

Cinematography and Editing by Nicole Sheers

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